Hi! I'm Lorayne

A Cali girl with a southern heart, I felt a divine calling to move to The South in 2013. Despite having no family or friends there, I eventually followed my heart. At the time, I was married and working my dream job in the medical field, but I realized I wasn't living my true purpose.

In September 2020, my seemingly perfect life fell apart. Overwhelmed and lost, I committed to learning more about healing naturally, emotional intelligence, neuroscience, and earning certifications to transform my life. By spring 2022, my family and I made the bold move from California to the Carolinas. It was terrifying yet exhilarating, and I've never looked back. I believe God has a powerful plan for me here, and I'm proof that following your dreams and having faith leads to incredible blessings.

Xoxo Lo


  • 15+ years in medicine, health & fitness
  • John Maxwell certified Coach, Speaker
  • Podcast Host
  • Wife, Bonus Mom, Dog mom

In addition to running my own business, I’m deeply passionate about health and fitness. Formerly a competitor and fitness model, I’ve now traded the bikini and bling for a sport coat and stilettos. Right up there with my faith and family is being out in nature. Hiking and outdoor adventures truly make my heart sing! My journey and transformation with fitness and nutrition changed my life. I believe that physical fitness is a game-changer for mental well-being. A healthy body and a healthy mind are the dynamic duo that fuel a fulfilling life!

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Bold Beginnings

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